New Opportunity

Welcome to AIC-SEED!
Welcome to Atal Incubation Centre IISER Pune SEED Foundation a.k.a AIC-SEED, where we firmly believe that a seed of an idea can potentially transform the world, if it finds the right nurturing environment.
As a technology business incubator, AIC-SEED’s objective is to nurture, stimulate and encourage the growth of deep science based startups, while fostering a culture of entrepreneurship in an academic and knowledge driven research environment.
We invite you to reach out to us to germinate your ideas at AIC-SEED !
Genesis of AIC-SEED
“Large streams from little fountains flow, tall oaks from little acorns grow”
The idea of AIC-SEED was conceived based on the enthusiastic activities of students of the entrepreneurship and innovation cell at IISER Pune, way back in 2016. Leveraging the interest of students and some faculty members, in entrepreneurship, a formal proposal was submitted to the Atal Innovation Mission in 2018 for establishment of an Atal Incubation Centre in the IISER Pune campus, which was approved and sanctioned in 2019-20.
The journey that originated with the entrepreneurship and innovation cell in 2016, resulted in formal launch of operations of AIC-SEED in 2021 – once again underlining the importance of perseverance, time, continued commitment and a healthy environment for conversion of an idea into reality.
Our values and beliefs
The vision of AIC-SEED is to create and nurture entrepreneurial ventures emerging out of high quality and cutting edge scientific research.
Promoting student entrepreneurship, supporting faculty entrepreneurship and nurturing science and knowledge driven entrepreneurship; are what we strongly believe in. We are also a firm believer of the vast problem solving capabilities of science and knowledge based approach to answer the complex challenges faced by the world today. Nurturing science based startups calls for a different incubation eco-system, which we aim to provide.
AIC-SEED symbolises the origins, of ideas and concepts. When such early stage ideas are carefully nurtured in a healthy and enquiring environment, they grow into plants and trees and ultimately yield fruits. All value and wealth creation in society has its origins in simple but powerful ideas or SEED.

SEED is an acronym for Society for Entrepreneurship in Education and Development, and represents the core values of AIC-SEED.
Ecosystem Partners